Eye and Thyroid Protection Device, normally used in Emodynamic Wards.
It consists of an adjustable height-adjustable stand to be applied to the ceiling, or a wall-fixing plate, an articulated and counterbalance mobile arm, and an additional arm that leads to the lower end a variable tilting frame with shielded crystal Eq-Pb mm 2 and a polyvinyl plumper apron apron eq-Pb mm 0.5.
- The first mobile arm can rotate 180° on the wall model and 315° on the ceiling model;
- The second articulated and counterbalanced arm can rotate 360° and can move up and down 50°;
- The crystal can rotate 360 ° and tilt + – 45°.
Dimensions crystal mm 500 x 400 h.
Apron dimensions mm 510 x 350 h.
On request the guard can be equipped with:
- Ceiling slide guide;
- Extra arm electrified with lamp.